Donate to Catholic Charities Twin Cities

Optional Event Trigger
Another form for free event registration has a redirect to this link and the URL populates the answer below as "yes" which then triggers the Optional Donation Invitation note to show up.  This allows us to minimmize places we have to maintain the donations connectors while allowing a streamlined experience to make an optional donation.
We invite you to make an optional donation!
Thank you for your registration for our upcoming event!  If you'd like to make an optional donation to support Catholic Charities you are welcome to do so below.  If not, you may close this browser window.  We look forward to seeing you soon!

Tribute Gift


First name of one person only. Example: John. (Do not use special characters such as the ampersand.)

Payment Details

Billing Address

State abbreviation

Catholic Charities is dedicated to protecting all donor data using industry best standards. Users on end-of-life browsers (e.g., Internet Explorer) may encounter errors. We strongly recommend upgrading to a supported browser such as the latest version of Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Edge to ensure compatibility.